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Home First Aid Essentials

First Aid Essentials

A wide selection of First Aid Essentials at incredible prices that supplement Hot and Cold Therapy treatment and ensure you are fully equipped with all First Aid provisions.


Includes first aid wipes, hand wipes, surface wipes and more


A selection of essential sterile plasters in various materials

First Aid Kits & Cabinets
First Aid Kits & Cabinets

Wide range of kits for treating minor injuries on the go


Dressings for treating wounds, from minor cuts to larger injuries

Foil Blankets
Foil Blankets

Maintains body heat and reduces the risk of hypothermia

First Aid For Eyes
First Aid For Eyes

First aid essentials for the treatment of eye injuries

Tapes and Strapping
Tapes and Strapping

A range of tapes for dressing retention and sporting injuries


A range of first aid bandages for compression and support

Empty Bags & Cases
Empty Bags & Cases

Perfect for ensuring first aid essentials are always at hand

First Aid Accessories
First Aid Accessories

Includes everyday first aid accessories such as scissors

First Aid For Burns
First Aid For Burns

Gels, dressings and kits to effectively treat burn injuries

Suncream and Aftersun
Suncream and Aftersun

Protect and soothe skin before and after sun exposure

GDPR Compliant Accident Book
GDPR Compliant Accident Book

Compliant with GDPR and ideal for any school, workplace or sports facility where accidents may occur

Health & Safety Posters
Health & Safety Posters

Inform all staff of their rights and obligations under Health and Safety Laws

Foldable Emergency Stretcher
Foldable Emergency Stretcher

Ideal for use in emergency situations that demand safe and fast patient removal
